
Today, it is difficult to finance a used vehicle without going through a car loan. This becomes even more complicated if your financial situation is currently experiencing or has experienced difficulties in the past. In this case, there is always a solution for you to acquire a new vehicle, it is the 2nd or 3rd chance credit.

Indeed, les Spécialistes du offer this solution to finance your used truck, used SUV, used compact or used sedan.

What is the 2nd or 3rd chance credit?

In order to allow people with a difficult financial history to borrow, the second chance and third chance credits allow access to financing solutions adapted to each situation. So, no matter whether you have been bankrupt, in default of payment, or have filed a consumer proposal before, you can get a car loan.

Improve your credit report

Thanks to the 2nd and 3rd chance credit, you have the opportunity to rebuild your credit file and credit history faster. This new loan shows your commitment to straighten your credit and may eventually allow you to access traditional car loans again.

Benefit from a tailor-made support

At les Spécialistes du, a team of experienced advisors is at your service to assist you with your car loan application and explain all the particularities of a 2nd or 3rd chance credit.

At each step of your financing application, you receive the best advice from professionals, experts in their field. They know the specifics and requirements of the various financing organizations and help you to see more clearly in order to easily obtain financing for your used vehicle.

Call les Spécialistes du for a 2nd or 3rd chance credit

Do not hesitate and trust les Spécialistes du to finance your used car thanks to the 2nd and 3rd chance credit. Contact our team to get your financing!